Sunday, June 17, 2018

Costume for Titanic Melodrama

Costume for Titanic Melodrama

The color of the costume says a lot about the character that I am playing (the captain, but secretly, the villain) because villains usually wear dark clothes, and it shows that I am not here to do any good, only to cause chaos and destruction to the ship. It shows that I am a captain because it looks like I am wearing professional clothes for a captain of the titanic ship. However, it brings people a feeling that I might be a bad guy that wants to take down the ship. Dark is a good color to show that you are a villain, because dark is known as a color of evilness and sadness, which brings people to have a feeling that something scary is going to happen in this movie, involving me since I am wearing fully dark clothes.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

criteria a- design a house

3D Dream house – Criterion A 
Task 1 and Task 2 : What special feature will your dream house have? And Examples for your dream house
Write down 5 things you want your dream house to have:
10-dream-home-stair-storage1. I would like to have a stairway storage. I would want this to be inside my house because it can clear up space and hides the things we keep up for storage in plain sight. If we didn’t have enough storage we this would be a perfect idea and if we have stuff all around the place it shows people hoe messy we are.. This would benefit me by providing my house more space is a tidy, clean and modern manner. It can express the creativity of the owner (me) and provides a beautiful view. To customize this we could

04-dream-home-hidden-room2. In my dream house I would like to have a hidden room because it looks creative and innovative and can be a place of peace away from the guests, family or work. The room will be hidden with a book shelf that is actually a door. In the room I would like to have a library with a hazelnut brown cozy sofa. I would like this to be ‘my sacred place to take a break from family, guests and work. This particular prop doesn’t solve any problems it just benefits me to take time of from my daily life.

 3. In terms of hygiene I would like to have, in my dream house, a built-in floor board vacuum. This would help me to clear the dust, junk and waist in a much simpler way. This would save my efforts for trying to clear the 1st and 2nd floor with a broom. How this works is that in every room there will be a built-in vacuum where all the dirt, dust and junk go through. It will be in a filter that that needs to be changed once every week. without this it would be much harder to do this daily task

03-dream-home-fireplace 4. In my house I would like to have a outdoor fireplace. This will please guests and can be a nice place to talk with them and have fun. In terms of view it would look amazing with a pouch and a tea table. This benefits me during the winter and in some cases during the summer. I would like to customize it look give it humble blends of brown type of look so that it gives a nice good vibe towards the house. It also good to have a fireplace because in some religions it considered to give luck to the people. An example of this is my religion.


Task 3 – Primary and secondary research
Write a research plan using the table provided below.
What will I research for
Primary or
secondary research
Why will I research this information?
 I will research the cons of having the extra features.
I will do secondary research
I will research this because
The pros of the extra features.
I will do secondary research

I will research the materials used to build the extra features.
I will do secondary research

I do a swot analyses on each of the extensions on all the.
I will do secondary research

I will do secondary research

Task 3.1 Primary research activities
Create primary research activities to do in depth analysis. Primary research activities could be interview, survey, questionnaire…

Task 3.2 – SWOT analysis for two existing products
Find two interesting houses online and write SWOT analysis. Fill the tables below to do the analysis.

SWOT analysis 1 – add a name of house

Description: 03-dream-home-fireplacePost an image of house

It’s a big house that can fit a lot of people
Sometimes, you can get uncomfortable because you can get lost in the house at first
You can make really nice and good parties, and can have a lot of fun in the house
It can be an easy target for thieves, since there is a lot of luxury in the house and it is really big house so the people that live there can’t catch them easily

SWOT analysis 2 – add a name of house
Split Level
Post an image
Description: Image result for split level house

It has two floors, so it can be nice to have some space
If people go on the roof it can be dangerous so people really need to watch their kids so they don’t go on the roof
You can have extra rooms like gaming rooms or an extra room to sleep in
Thieves are also a threat for this house

Task 4 – Design situation
What’s the design problem? (Hint: What is the problem you are trying to solve?
The design problem is the fact that people don’t know what houses to rent or buy/sell and what houses have good and bad things about them
What happens because this problem exists? Include pictures of the problem if you can.
People give advice on houses they could buy and they give the pros and cons
Why is solving this problem important? (What will happen if we don’t solve this problem?)
Then people can have a house that they like or they can sell houses and make profit because they can have a better life

Task 5 – Design brief
What did you learn from your research that helps you understand the problem?
I learnt that un-reusable energy and electricity harms the environment and that houses like the Bungalow which can be big and don’t specifically cost a lot of money.
What did you learn by doing the analysis of the existing products that helps you solve the problem?
I learned that the houses that are big and use re-newable energy, don’t necessarily cost a lot of money and don’t need to have a lot of privileges like a pool
Who are you creating this solution for? Be specific. Describe your target audience/ideal user.
Older people that look to buy new houses to live in or sell
What are you going to create to solve the problem? Give a brief description.
I am going to create a 3D model of a detailed house that is perfect for people looking for it
Why are you going to solve this problem? Why does it matter to the target audience? Why does it matter to the world?
It matters to the world because not all people can afford a really expensive house so looking at an example of a cheap house that is pretty big, can help them find something different

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Criteria A- Tech Fair

Explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem

I will make a robot

This product will be used to entertain people who are interested in robots and also to teach people how to use a robot.
My targeted audience or clients are
Ages 7-10
Product, Performance/ Specification;
I will create a robot to Solve a problem of having nothing to do
I will make the product with modern materials

States and prioritizes the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with minimal guidance
Research info on other products related to the same technology;
Link 1;
Link 2;
Link 3;
Link 4;

The following example of the product was analyzed and the finding below where concluded;

Image result for picture of a diy robot

The above is identified as a
It is a remote controlled robot with wheels
that was made  by a person (unknown name) . to solve the problem  of people not knowing how to use a robot
It was designed with modern materials
It operates by to connector chip from the remote controll

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Criteria A

Instruction; copy and paste it in the blog. The small fonts are ideas of what is expected so don’t include it in your work.

You have to create product with the 3d modeling skills. If you are an expert in 3D modeling. Think of any product that can be created by 3d modeling to solve a problem or overcome a challenge faced by you community. Your parents, teachers or friends can be your clients.
(i)             Explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem
The problem /challenge is
That my ipad keeps falling so I am going to make the ipad stand
I have been asked to fix the problem myself and make a 3D model on tinker cad
My targeted audience or clients are
All the people to play video games on their ipad or all the people that watch YouTube on their Ipads  (Who are you helping?)
The Ipad situation make it more easy to hold your Ipad or Tablet(Challenges involved when dealing with problem)
Product, Performance, and Purpose;
I will create an Ipad Holder to Stop your Ipad from falling everytime you use it
I need to develop a good grip so the Ipad can stay

Problem situation.
My audience are all Ipads/ Tablets users and the point is to make them more comfortable when they are using it I have had a lot of problems in the past when I was watching videos on my iPad because it always fell on the table or on the ground. and prioritizes the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with minimal guidance

3D modeling and printing a feature  that you go on when you are using certain 3D modeling app and you can print the model out. The technology behind it is very advanced because you can print out a 3D product that you were working on online.
Examples of 3D modeled products are;
         Skeleton Head
         A dice                              

The areas where 3D modeling is used in the world are;
They are used for creating certain objects to help you save time,       Mugs,     Decorations,     Skeleton Heads for decorations.     

The following example of 3D product was analyzed and the finding below where concluded;

Insert an image of video of the 3D product you can find on the internet, with references added.

The above is identified as a 3D Model of
It is a product of a 3D printed mug (ignore the other one) that was modelled by I don’t know the person that modeled it but it was modeled to  create a mug that they can drink out of
It was designed with a 3d modeling for people to drink out of a 3D mug and It was printed with a 3D printer in order to actually have the model

(ii)          describes the main features of an existing product that inspires a solution to the problem

After Looking at a variety of 3D modelling/printings on the web  and observing the variety of 3D products  in my community,  I have identified the following features that 3D products have in common that I will strengthen when designing my model;
We need to create the product in detail so the people can understand what we are creating. That model has a very nice looking and helpful looking mug that can save you tons of money  
I have also identified the following week features that were used in the Modelled product that I will not use in my model;
It looks like it is very easy to be broken, and it is also very small
(iii)       Presents the main findings of relevant research.

Design brief   [summary of your research]
I have been asked to create a 3D model  (Role) for the audience which are the iPad users, to stop the iPad from falling.
I will use 3D modelling and printing to make product with an iPad holder using tinkercad, and I am going to make the holder in range of colours.


Criterion B: Developing ideas.
Instruction: the small font sized texts are supposed to give you an idea of what is expected of your answer. Please delete them; they shouldn’t be in your final work presented for assessment.
(i) Develop design specifications, which clearly states the success criteria for the design of a solution.

The 3D product should be detailed like as if we were actually going to create the product and 3D print it out

Requirements and considerations are;
It is gonna have different colours and it is going to have very detail on it so it can stay still and so it doesn’t fall onto the ground.
25x25 cm
It must hold the iPad so it stays still while you are using it or when you are watching a video
All the iPad users/ tablet users

ii) Develop a range of feasible design ideas that can be correctly interpreted by others
  • Text Box: Image of the sketch 1.Text Box: Image of the sketch 2.Designed rough Sketches of two distinctly different designs


Detailed layout with Notes/annotations of good and bad features on each model design
(Making detailed layout page design drawing)
(Make notes about each design, writing comments on each design .
Considering these questions.

Is the model clearly appearing as it should be?
Do the features solve the problem?
Are the colour, shape and size right?
Is it easy to make or not?
Do you think your audience would like the idea?)


iii) Present the final chosen design and justify its selection

  • Text Box: (Chose the design with the best comments that matches the design specification and insert it here.)

From the evaluation of the designs against the specification to identify the most feasible solutions, with considerations of the notes made/annotations, the design below matches the design specification.


iv) Develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outline the requirements for the creation of the chosen solution
Table of requirements

Shape before modification
Shape after modification
Semi Circle
Height 2cm,thickness 2mm,


(Identify the overall visual appearance: the size, layout and the assembly of components required during the production of the product.)

Costume for Titanic Melodrama

Costume for Titanic Melodrama The color of the costume says a lot about the character that I am playing (the captain, but secretly, t...